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So. You found the website. Maybe a friend told you about it. Maybe you found it on Google. Or perhaps a YouTube video. But, what is Doctor Who? 


Doctor Who is a popular TV show that started on 23rd November 1963. It has been running ever since. It is about a man called the Doctor who travels in a spaceship that looks like a 1960's Police Box but is actually bigger in the inside.


The Doctor is an alien from the lost planet Gallifrey, that burnt and died in the Time War. First played by William Hartnell. Time Lords (people from Gallifrey) can regenerate. Meaning, when the die, or chose to regenerate, their face hands burst with yellow energy. When it  stops, it reveals a brand new face. 


The Doctor has multiple enemies. Such as Daleks, Zygons and the Cybermen!​


Oh! And I can't forget, only two people know the Doctors, name. River Song, one of the doctors dearest friends, and The Master, his greatest enemy!​


Brought to you live from the TARDIS in the Time Vortex!

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